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Netlix -Getting Paid

Helping Publishers keep more Advertising Revenue

The Netklix ad server continually monitors the performance of each PPC Advert. We always serve the highest paid PPC Adverts into each PPC AdSpace unit on your Site or Blog.

Revenue Share similar to Affiliate Marketing

Every time a PPC Advert is clicked within one of your PPC AdSpaces, you will receive a percentage share of the amount the online Advertiser is charged for the Click.
You may be familiar with Affiliate Marketing and the Netklix Text PPC Advert revenue share solution is similar in many ways. One of the key be
nefits of the Netklix system is the ability to set and forget. Publishers don't have to continually monitor the performance of the PPC AdSpaces on their site as Netklix always serve the highest paid PPC Adverts which means our Publishers earn more.

Monthly Publisher Earnings PayoutsAs long as a Publisher has exceeded the Minimum Payout Threshold (differs for each geographical network), their earnings will be paid out.
Publishers who have reached the Minimum Payout Threshold will be paid out their earnings within 30 days of the last day of the month in which the Clicks were recorded.
If you have not exceeded the threshold, your earnings will continue to grow until you have reached the threshold level.
You can choose how you want to receive your earnings and we offer various methods depending on which country/network you have selected.

To start earning from netkilx please follow the link below and If you can not follow please copy and paste the following Url In your browser


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