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Media O Shakers 

We offer publishers maximum revenue and minimum hassle.

Media shakers are experienced at getting you the most value for your traffic, the highest quality advertisers, global expansion, unbeatable service, state-of-the-art technology, great reporting and hassle-free payments.
We work based on a very simple principle -If you don’t make money, we don’t make money.

Monetize your traffic!
  • Maximum revenue from traffic - Our expert mediashakers staff is dedicated to helping you earn the most from your website’s traffic. We have a highly qualified global sales team presenting your website to advertisers and ad agencies interested in reaching potential customers through the internet. This enables us to offer you dynamic opportunities and special offers to increase your ROI. Our knowledge and the experience we gained after years in the industry, allows us to get premium rates for advertisements placed on your website. We also have 100% fill of traffic – no default!
  • Highest quality advertisers - Our main objective is creating the right fit between publishers and advertisers. This is the win-win relationship that generates the most revenue on both the publisher and advertiser end.
  • Global reach - We have international advertising partners enabling your website to expand its revenue potential.
  • Unbeatable service - We are in a service based industry and we know what that means! We give every website the due attention and go through a rigorous process of strategic planning, audience analysis, and learning your individual needs. We have a service team that will help you with any issue that may arise and will not rest until you are thoroughly satisfied.
  • State-of-the-art technology - We are constantly developing new tools in order to improve the service we give to our customers. OPT is a new tool we developed aimed at creating the best possible matches between publishers and advertisers. We have also recently installed one of the easiest payment options available - the Mediashakers MasterCard® Debit Card. And with our quick and simple setup, you can start seeing results right away.
  • Great reporting - Our technology allows you to follow your income hourly. You can sort data, by size, date, country, site section and other parameters. This allows you to follow your income and optimize.
  • Hassle-Free payout - First and foremost, we offer timely payments by Paypal, Wire or MasterCard®. We have no minimum payments on paypal and a great reporting platform for your convenience. Most recently we introduced the Mediashakers MasterCard® Debit Card. Instead of waiting for payment to arrive, Mediashakers MasterCard® Debit Card will automatically be prepaid on the 5th of each month, giving you the luxury of withdrawing cash anytime at any ATM worldwide.

To start earning from Media Shakers
Follow the link below If you can not follow please copy and paste in your browser's Address bar.


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